00 01/04/2013 22:59
Hi. Am on my phone. The beard is from the original mating to Houdan. Every so often I still get some chicks with beard or polydactyl trait (5 toes). The brown is from mating to Gold Spangled Hamburg. Males look like brown leghorn but have large brown spngles in the black on their breast. Almost all incidence of tufts is gone. Tufts were genetically linked to cerebal hernia in Houdan by pleiotropic affect.
I am by no means an expert in colour as I am not university trained. Even my matings have been done the old way of master breeders, look at what breeds were available at the time and put them together. Keep what is desirable and cull the rest. This is how I found the alien eye pattern which if I was looking in books, they could tell me what it is but nit how to make it.